Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Around the House

We have been doing little things here and there around the house. I love our home and LOVE doing things to it!
One project lately is that Ronnie has been fixing some cracks in our canoe.
We went up to Ocala two weeks ago and picked it up.
My Uncle has been storing it for us there since 2009! Ronnie redid the fiberglass and whatever else had to be done and is now ready to paint it! He is using an aircraft polyurethane paint that will glide like a dream in the water! Bright red too! :o)) I can't wait to see it painted!
He and Kyle are going on a kayaking/canoeing trip this weekend with my Dad! They are cruising the Econlockhatchee River and will camp, riverside, wherever they stop for the night!

I cleaned and re-arranged my front porch! Yes...front! Lisa and I sat out there and had coffee the morning after I completed it! Don't get me wrong..I MUCH prefer my back patio but this particular morning the back porch was a wreck and we didn't want to be out there. (That was prior to Mother's Day when my boys helped me clean and re-arrange the back porch).

The same weekend that we went to pick up our canoe, we also got a bunny! "Snowball" (as Kyle so creatively named her) was staying in our Xlarge dog crate until we ordered her a new home! I found this fabulous "bunny condo" on Ebay for a great price. Ronnie put it together for me...and voila! It is beautiful!

My flowers are blooming beautifully out front!

Kyle bagged up all the mulch I had raked out of the bed...we are wanting to redo the mulch in that bed and give it some shape / delineation. I am so thankful that Ky did this for me! (He did gripe and I did pay him, but...still, lol)

So...that's some of what we've been up to!

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