The first week of school was AWESOME! Having the schoolroom is absolutely WONDERFUL!! (You're right, is SO more school books and supplies ALL OVER the house. It's so much easier for Kyle to stay focused too. It really makes a HUGE difference!)
We are now starting week two and today I am introducing our Reading Program. Last week we just did some minor reading lessons....reading comp, that kind of thing...and Kyle did his fifteen mins of silent reading, of course. But today...!!! Bob Jones Reading 2.....I LOVE LOVE LOVE this curriculum. Kyle is super excited about it also. He's been wanting to start reading it since he saw the books come in the mail over the anticipation is a good thing b/c he WANTS to do it, lol.
Our first story is about a boy and some the end of the week we will be going on a bug hunt. (This sounds kind of gross...but hey...all for education, lol) We'll be freezing the bugs so they die and then pinning them and learning all about them.
We had a great weekend. I made it through September 6th without tears this year. I CANNOT believe it has been 5 does NOT seem possible. I kept busy and did not think about what day it was. I went down to my Mom's for a poker game (they too were keeping busy). Then my Dad and Ruth came over to hang out for a while. We had a really awesome time. Sunday we spent mostly on the boat. I'm on a big kick right now with doing photo I worked on those some also.
We had so much fun on the boat...Ronnie got the second carb cleaned out so it halls butt now. He was purposely hitting the waves in a way that they would spray up in mine and Kyle's face! I laughed so hard my stomach was hurting! Then when we were fishing....Ronnie let Kyle put the boat in drive....well....he pushed it too hard so it flung forward. I was sitting in a patio chair (those plastic chairs for your patio furniture, ya know?) fishing when this happened....I flipped over backward in my chair and my fishing pole went in the It looked like something from a legs flew up as I flew backwards. And...Linus got seasick! He didn't actually throw up or anything....I could just tell by the way he was acting. So we took him home, LOL. Needless to say, it was quite the eventful day! :) But fun!
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